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Clean Fuel Production

Supporting Clean Fuel Production and Distribution 

As the world becomes more sustainable and electrified, companies and individuals are looking for ways to reduce their impact on the environment. Alongside the development of large-scale renewables like wind and solar, exploring alternatives to traditional fuel sources is a key. 

Clean fuels and biofuels are a key part of the global energy transition and will be an important contributor towards carbon neutrality. Since the early 1980s, the production and consumption of biofuels have increased each year in the United States. Traditional renewable electricity production is growing, but the technology has not yet reached the point where renewables can be used to power all our methods of transportation. For instance, ships and planes used to transport people and goods around the globe cannot yet be powered by only electricity. According to the International Energy Agency, biofuels have a significant role in decarbonizing transport and providing a low-carbon solution for existing technologies such as ships, aircrafts and light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles.  

“Biofuels” is used as a blanket term for several different alternative fuel sources—each with their own characteristics, uses and methods of production. There are four major types of biofuels: ethanol, biodiesel, renewable diesel, and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).  


Ethanol is a liquid alcohol obtained through fermentation and blended with conventional gasoline. Its production process includes the fermentation of starches and sugars in corn, wheat, and barley. Ethanol is renewable, burns completely and helps reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions when it is used as a fuel. Growing feedstock crops for ethanol also helps reduce ethanol’s total impact on the environment because the plants that are eventually turned into ethanol use CO2 as they grow. Ethanol production also creates many useable by-products including animal feed, cosmetics, etc. The U.S. Department of Energy identifies an average reduction of GHG emissions of 40% on a life cycle analysis basis, with corn-based ethanol produced from dry mills, and a range between 88% and 108% if cellulosic feedstocks are used. 


Biodiesel is a diesel fuel additive, also called Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME). The process includes the trans-esterification of plant oils, used cooking oils (UCO), animal fats, etc. Biodiesel has several benefits since it is renewable, bio-degradable and reduces GHG.  

The U.S. Department of Energy cites research that shows that using biodiesel reduces life cycle emissions because CO2 released from biodiesel combustion is offset by the carbon dioxide absorbed from the feedstocks used to produce the fuel. In addition to its emissions reduction benefits, biodiesel is safer to handle, store and transport than petroleum and causes far less environmental damage if it spills or is released into the environment. 

Renewable Diesel 

Renewable diesel relies on a hydrotreatment process (similar to traditional refining) and can be used as 100% drop-in replacement fuel for petroleum diesel. Commonly referred to as HVO or HEFA, renewable diesel is a diesel fuel substitute. The process of refining renewable diesel involves hydrotreating of plant oils, used cooking oils, animal fats, followed by isomerization. Renewable diesel is renewable, bio-degradable and reduces GHG compared to petroleum diesel. 

While renewable diesel and biodiesel may sound similar, they are in fact different chemical compounds that require different methods of production. Renewable diesel has the benefit of being able to directly replace diesel within existing infrastructure. The production of renewable diesel is expected to grow significantly in the coming years as demand for alternative fuels increases.  

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) 

This type of biofuel is a jet fuel substitute that is also known as Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO). It has a similar refining process to renewable diesel. SAF is obtained from similar refining processes as traditional fossil jet fuel and can therefore be a drop-in replacement fuel. SAF is renewable and reduces GHG with an average CO2 reduction of 70% for flights using SAF.  

At nVent, we understand that supporting clean fuel production is a critical part of building a more sustainable and electrified world. The creation of sustainable fuels requires careful management of heat as fuels flow through different steps of the refining process. Process temperature maintenance for pipes and tanks is a critical consideration for operators. At nVent, our nVent RAYCHEM brand XTVR & HTV heating cables offer the industry’s highest power retention (HPR) heating cable technology with 95% power retention after 30 Years to meet the stringent process temperature demands of biofuel feedstocks. Our key offerings also include high temperature cables, advanced control and monitoring and TracerLynx 3D heat management design software

To view an example of our mission critical solutions in biofuels, click on this link.