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SDG article card

nVent Actions Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were developed by the United Nations in 2015 to provide a shared set of goals for people and the planet. The SDGs recognize that with action in one area, there will be actions in others, and that development must balance economic, social and environmental sustainability. Seventeen SDGs are set for the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people, the planet and the future. The SDGs are built on decades of work by the UN, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs and other countries.  

Today, the SDGs revolve around key themes including ending poverty, improving health and education, reducing inequality, tackling climate change, preserving natural resources, building resilient infrastructure and expanding economic opportunity. The SDGs are an urgent call for action by all countries. Governments, businesses and individuals can look at the SDGs and use them to find ways that they can contribute. 

Many companies utilize the SDGs as framework to report on their ESG efforts. nVent uses the SDGs in our ESG reporting as a way to share our contributions to sustainability, equality and opportunity within a globally recognized framework. Our ESG initiatives align most closely with 11 of the SDGs. 

“Our ESG initiatives align with the SDGs in several important ways through our efforts to increase inclusion and diversity within our workforce, reduce our environmental footprint through operational efficiencies and investments in renewable energy, and by developing ESG positive solutions that will help the world transition to a lower-carbon economy,” said Michelle Mennicke, ESG Program Manager. “The SDGs provide an important roadmap toward a more sustainable future and we will continue to look for opportunities to contribute.” 

Members of our Executive Leadership Team and cross-functional ESG Steering Team regularly engage with our investors, customers, employees and suppliers on ESG issues. Many of our stakeholders have expressed interest in the SDGs and learning about how nVent’s ESG initiatives align with the global goals. nVent contributes to the following goals: 3-9, 11-13 and 16. To learn more about nVent’s alignment with the SDGs, visit our 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report.