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Chemical CompoundChemical FormulaOperating /MaintainTemp (°C)Operating /MaintainTemp (°F)
Diethanolamine 10 ~ 35 50 ~ 95
Diethyl Phthalate 10 ~ 60 50 ~ 140
Dimethyl Carbonate 10 ~ 50 50 ~ 122
Dimethyl Ether 40 ~ 60 104 ~ 140
Dimethyl Sulfoxide 40 104
Dimethylene 25 ~ 36 77 ~ 96.8
Dimethylethanolamine 15 ~ 25 59 ~ 77
Dioxane C4H8O2 20 ~ 45 68 ~ 113
Diphenyl C12H10 80 ~ 120 176 ~ 248
Diphenylmethane C13H12 30 ~ 100 86 ~ 212
Diphenyloxide 0 ~ 200 32 ~ 392
Distearyl Chloride Dimethyl Ammonia 75% 50 ~ 65 122 ~ 149
Distilled Fuel Oil 17 ~ 50 62.6 ~ 122
Dobanol 35 ~ 40 95 ~ 104
Edible Oil 50 ~ 70 122 ~ 158
Electrofilter 150 ~ 200 302 ~ 392
Emulsifier (Liquid Fire Foam) 5 ~ 60 41 ~ 140
Emulsifying Duphalac 25 77
Engine Oil 20 ~ 30 68 ~ 86
Engobe (Liquid) 50 - 60 122 ~ 140
Enzymes 20 - 30 68 ~ 86
Epoxy Resin 25 ~ 65 77 ~ 149
Ethanol 20 ~ 50 68 ~ 122
Ethanolamines 10 ~ 35 50 ~ 95
Ether C4H10O 5 ~ 60 41 ~ 140
Ethyl Acetate C4H8O2 -50 ~ 25 -58 ~ 77
Ethyl Alcohol C2H6O 30 ~ 80 86 ~ 176
Ethyl Bromide C2H5Br 5 ~ 25 41 ~ 77
Ethyl Ether C4H10O -100 ~ 25 -148 ~ 77
Ethyl Iodide C2H5I 5 ~ 100 41 ~ 212
Ethyl-Tertio-Butyl-Ether 40 ~ 160 104 ~ 320
Ethylbenzene C8H10 5 ~ 100 41 ~ 212
Ethylene Glycol C2H6O2 -40 ~ 200 -40 ~ 392
Ethylene Oxide C2H4O 20 ~ 50 68 ~ 122
Ethyleneamines 50 122
Fat 50 122
Fat Acids 60 ~ 70 140 ~ 158
Fatty Alcohol 5 ~ 10 41 ~ 50
Flue Gas Desulfurization 10 ~ 20 50 ~ 68
Fluorinated Glue 10 ~ 30 50 ~ 86
Fluorochlorobenzoylchloride 20 68
Foralkyl 60 ~ 110 140 ~ 230
Formaldehyde 10 ~ 35 50 ~ 95
Formalin 60 140
Formamide 99% CH3NO 25 ~ 40 77 ~ 104
Formic Acid H2CO2 5 ~ 40 41 ~ 104
Fuel 20 ~ 40 68 ~ 104
Fuel Oil 20 ~ 60 68 ~ 140
Gallium 45 ~ 50 113 ~ 122
Galoryl 70 ~ 75 158 ~ 167

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TraceCalc Net is nVent RAYCHEM’s easy-to-use, online design tool for creating a pipe heat tracing system. 

Our latest version is mobile responsive from any device, and allows for the design of multiple circuits, including parent-child configurations. 

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