Outdoor Klimagerät, CUON
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Outdoor Klimagerät, CUON
This outdoor vertical cooling unit, CUON, with a IP 55 protection degree, is available in many different sizes for different cooling requirements. This means that the right cooling solution can be chosen easily. Smart energy management reduces energy consumption with up to 23% compared to traditional solutions. The cooling unit is easy to install and is also available in stainless steel for harsh environments
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- Outdoor vertical cooling unit with smart energy management, available in a wide range of sizes for different cooling capacities, with a IP 54 protection degree
- Customers can choose the cooling unit that meets their requirements the most, removing any extra costs due to oversizing
- Smart energy management reduces the cooling units energy consumption by up to 23%
- The efficient cooling unit allows customers to optimise the enclosure's design ensuring that the correct cooling unit is chosen and it hasn't been over specified
- The smart energy management and ease of installation will reduce both operational and installation costs
- Stainless steel outdoor cooling units are available for harsh environments
- Stainless steel outdoor cooling units are available for harsh environments
- To minimise how much energy the cooling unit consumes, it is recommended to install the door switch, DSW01
- Once installed, the door switch will turn the cooling unit off, once the door is opened
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