Vypouštecí zátka, DWP
Vypouštecí zátka, DWP
Vypouštecí zátka se snadnou instalací odvádí kondenzovanou vodu a zajištuje tak stupen krytí.
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- Popis: Vypouštecí zátka pro odvod kondenzované vody Snadná instalace Odpovídá tlouštce materiálu až do 4 mm. Stupen krytí IP 44.
- Materiál: Pryž.
- Potrebné opracování: Kulatý otvor o prumeru 11 mm.
- Množství v balení: 10 kusu.
- Rubber drain plug to be mounted in the bottom of enclosures
- The plug removes all of the condensed water from the enclosure while maintaining IP 44 protection degree
- The plug is a good solution to control water condensation in situations when it cannot be avoided, as it prevents water accumulating within the bottom of the enclosure
- The plug can be installed later in the field, if water condensation is noticed reducing the additional maintenance costs of bringing the enclosure back into the workshop
- Machining required: Round hole 11 mm diameter
Návod k instalaci / list s pokyny
- Warning
- nVent products shall be installed and used only as indicated in nVent's product instruction sheets and training materials. Instruction sheets are available at www.nvent.com and from your nVent customer service representative. Improper installation, misuse, misapplication or other failure to completely follow nVent's instructions and warnings may cause product malfunction, property damage, serious bodily injury and death and/or void your warranty.